And then there was you 2014
And then there was you 2014

and then there was you 2014

One would have to wonder why blokes feel the need to tell an adult woman to “shush” Is it a means to just end the conversation on the spot? Or is there something more at play here? Could it be that by telling a woman to “shush” the bloke is asserting his dominance and putting me fair and squarely in my place as a submissive woman? I wasn’t even pretending to know more than he and therefore, potentially intimidating the poor bloke with my intelligence. I wasn’t shouting or arguing with the bloke.

and then there was you 2014 and then there was you 2014

At the time of the “shushing” incident I was merely chatting to the bloke about computers and sharing my suggestions with him about how to fix a computer issue he was having. But I can’t help but feel that telling a woman to “shush” is highly patronising and offensive. The poor bloke whose desk is next to mine at the “new job” has a stunned possum in the headlights look about him by mid afternoon. I do have a lot to say on matters and I also like to share my thoughts freely with others. So why would a bloke think it was ok to say this to me? And more to the point, why would he say this? I don’t believe I have been told to “shush” since I was an infant. “Just shush” There it was again, the utterance of the word “shush”. I was talking to a bloke the other day and he told me to “shush!” “Ahhhhhh pardon?” I replied.

And then there was you 2014